Your description of space can be observed in deep sleep or formless jhanas during meditation. These states may convince many that they are what you call zero, but they, too, are still "dual" in their very nature (there's "I" knowing the infinite). But "I" can "go" beyond space (it exists beyond space). Even in physics, and despite there being no universally accepted theory how it manifests, space is generally considered emergent.
The infinite feedback loop (aka Ouroboros, Yin-Yang, etc.) is just the broadest generalization of already manifested world. So your question "what if" is moot because from the perspective of manifested world it is, indeed, what one sees. However, once you know the true nature of consciousness (that is, what your "I" points at) that line from zero to infinity is revealed as another illusion.
In reality all there is is only a single non-dimensional point (so to speak). But even such description is rather inaccurate because the point is not non-existent but due to its non-dimensionality and lack of any space whatsoever is seems as if not existing at all (ask neo-advaitins with their mantra "there is no one here" :D -- yet contrary to claims of neo-advaitins that point is you, that is, "I"). Well, I would say that at this point language is useless. You really have to "see" it for yourself.