You have it backwards -- even by UN standards, it's Hamas that's in the decades long process of attempted genocide of Jews. Israel is "only" implementing their (highly!) debatable and rather counterproductive “Dayan doctrine.”
And while you may hear cries of some Orthodox Jews for "destruction of Amalek," that adversary force is *always* identified as Iran's jihadi forces and the proxies they directly support (Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, etc.). Quite understandable, as that "unholy alliance" is hell-bent and vocal about their goal of eradicating whole of Israel, Jews, and essentially all who are not Muslim (worldwide!).
Your allusions that US prolongs "Ukrainian war" by arms supplies is, too, very uninformed. You clearly have no idea about the situation in the region. Also, you are perhaps not aware that behind most of Russian (not only military) successes in the past were Ukrainians and Ukrainian natural resources. So, good luck (and God help us all) when Russia with its imperialistic streak gets Ukraine back under its rule.
All in all, thinking that US is *the* Empire and responsible for everything is rather shortsighted and also classically hubristic in the usual US-centric fashion you attempt to decry.
But I agree, how to come out of this global self-inflicted mess is anyone's guess. Though, it's clear as day that it cannot continue, otherwise there would be nothing left to continue.