You have an essential oversight in your essential doctrine, which then propagates through the rest of your ideology -- the thief on the cross you are talking about repented. He accepted the truth of his situation, that is, he admitted to himself that he was a thief and his ending on the cross as a punishment for his crimes was to be expected (the other one considered it sort of an injustice). That also opened his eyes to the fact that Jesus is innocent, which in turn made him accessible to the grace.
Similarly, you should admit that you are ignorant about God. After all, we both know that your relationship with God, to put it very mildly, is rather shaky and what you have a firm relationship with is merely your theology which you inherited. But if you accept that you don't know yet and ask, I can assure you that the truth will be eventually given to you. Provided, you truly desire it and don't put your cherished theology above God and truth.
Then you will also know what being filled with Holy Spirit really looks like, because Holy Spirit does not live automatically in every Christian just in virtue of fulfilling the requirements that make one a Christian (whatever those may be, and God knows they differ depending on who you ask). You know, not everyone who proclaims "Lord, lord,..." enters the Kingdom and is saved (and no, it's not a matter of "proper" faith in heart versus mere empty proclamations).
And frankly, your list of "noncore doctrine" is exactly the reason why ignorance, particularly in religion, is so harmful to the world, as that's where all those false and incorrect beliefs (such as yours) manifest in worldly consequences. Which is exactly what makes this world appear rotten, evil, and fallen (even though it always was and continues to be perfect).