Yes there are as many paths as there are beings, but while we’re arriving at different conclusions someone must have missed something because there is only one reality.
Are you sure that that person is as you portrait him? After all, you too are saying (directly and indirectly), “I have the truth. You don’t have the truth. You need what I have. You are lost. I am saved. You are walking around in the dark. I am enlightened. You need to learn from me. You have nothing of value to say to me, but what I have to say to you is of infinite value.” It doesn't matter that in your case it translates into, "There are many truths, but some are not true." Not to mention that I couldn’t see any indication that that person is a Christian, let alone evangelical.
And just a semantic technicality -- I took the comment to mean, "There are no followers of Christ on Earth," because when I look around I can see Christians, but almost none follow Jesus. So what are they then? Can you call yourself a Christian if you don't follow Jesus to a T? But as I say, that's just semantics. What one calls oneself is absolutely irrelevant.