I thought, […] The thing about the weird times we live in, is that there is absolutely no way to know which one is true.
Yes, that was exactly my line of though, too. For now I’m hesitant to jump on the vaccination band wagon unless it’s going to be directly connected with earning money (and it should be probably presented as a free choice). Not that hard to imagine — let vaccinate yourself or else you cannot go to work — but then why a patent that essentially glues a human to computer? If the latter is the case, destroying economy and all jobs as we know them in one fell swoop makes a lot of sense to me. Then again, it may be a combination of both — let those who must work in remote locations (agriculture, etc.) force to “vaccinate” and glue the rest to the computer doing our bidding. Makes me wonder what that vaccine should accomplish in terms of control, as that’s definitely what’s going on. And also it’s probably a lot easier to implement an Amazon style AI control (combined with this new tech) in those remote locations, too. Then again, a scenario in which everyone who does not let themselves glue to the machine gets “vaccinated” is also plausible, though I suspect it’s a bit over the top…on the other hand, however I look at it that patent, whatever is its purpose is already quite over the top. What can I tell you, since yesterday I definitely rely solely on “magical thinking” :D For my taste there are too many coincidences in a Universe where there are none ;)