I’ve realized recently that’s like trying to cook rice in boiling water with no lid on the pot. The steam just floats away and the rice doesn’t cook.
When I was actively writing here on Medium, I realized that the more I talk about certain matters, the more they become just concepts. Somewhere I read that, and I paraphrase, “talking about power dissipates it.” I guess, it’s the same principle you can find nowadays in all self-help listicles — talking about one’s plans tricks one’s mind into satisfaction and one loses the drive that was once accumulated. Sort of like that steam over the pot without a lid that you describe.
“what is this?” […] pointlessness of striving […] at the level where striving is required
When we were kids, we were all pretty active. We played games or what have you, and it was in no way striving. Then we became “serious”, pushed it, and it became striving. It’s like with scratching — it can make us moan in pleasure and it can hurt AF. And it can also be so light as to be imperceptible (or not performed at all). The whole difference being the amount of exerted pressure (or, in other words, power). This all is possible at the same time (quite generous, in my book). And it is the same as what you are. What else could it be? What else could you be?
Wherever I look, I see me. “I” and “me” are clearly different, yet they refer to the same. But, as with all words, this is just the proverbial finger (not the middle one! :D).
So, when all is said and done, it really boils down to “what to do?”. To me the meaningful answers are play and rest.
Btw. if you ask Hindus or Buddhists “what is this?” they will probably answer, “Lila.”