When I say that there's nothing but God, I mean exactly that. I also said that mind viruses of ignorance are very real, but they don't stand in opposition to God. They stand in opposition to knowledge of God, i.e. self-realization.
Yes, it all sounds contradictory, because language as a relative construct cannot unambiguously express the nature of absolute. And it fails completely when it tries to describe how the relative phenomenal world relates to the absolute or that they are in essence one.
If I tried to express those metaphysical points without as much ambiguity as possible, I'd have to stop at the truism "I am" or a sentence like, "God gods God's God." That, however, would not get us very far in terms of communication, moreover, it would still fail to be completely unambiguous.
To put it into larger perspective -- God is but a word. It's a synonym of The Name, HaShem, unnamable Tao, indescribable Brahman, etc. Similarly, the relation of absolute and relative is synonymous all across the board.
In Taoism, undivided Tao is said to give rise to Yin and Yang. Heart Sutra describes it by the maxim "form is empty, emptiness is form." Hindu philosopher Ramana Maharshi famously observed that, “The world is illusory, only Brahman is real, Brahman is the world.” And even in Bible (Isaiah 45:7) you will find a statement such as, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." All those phrases describe the same.
In essence, you could say that it's always I who bullshit myself into ignorance, and yet I am neither ignorance nor ignorant, though ignorance is nothing but me. Even though contradictory, it's simply an inseparable part of the great cosmic joke.