Sender Spike
Apr 22, 2024


When I look at etymology of benevolence, it means "whishing well." Hence, "benevolent towards evil" is "wishing well" to evil too. In other words, allowing it to be. Along the lines of Jesus' "love your enemies," or Isaiah 45:7, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." It's the same concept as interplay of Yin and Yang which are just manifestations of (unspeakable) Tao, Maya being inseparable from Brahman ("The world is illusory, only Brahman is real, Brahman is the world." -- R. Maharshi), or less explicitly expressed in Heart Sutra as "Form is empty. Emptiness is form." But as I said, good and evil are illusions in the first place as there are only actions, their consequences, and the fact that there is always the same identical I at the receiving end.



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