What Does It Mean?

Sender Spike
3 min readNov 6, 2024



The world is empty. Devoid of meaning, substance, properties, or values. It’s a horrific thought for a metacognitive mind trapped in illusion of experience. Particularly, experience of finality. Not that there would be any other kind of experience — every experience is limited thus entails finality — but as the words in question itself have different, relative notions of what they denote in each and every mind to begin with, no such mind has a solid ground to rest on. There’s no actual sweetness when you perceive sugar, no redness of seeing red, let alone good and evil — you really should stop munching on the fruit of that tree.

Some say that it’s a true power to be able to balance one’s existence on such shifting, unpredictable sand. To learn to live with the unexpected and simply make lemonade when all you’ve got is lemons. And yet, there’s no human being in existence who does not want to make sense of the world in order to extinguish the incessant pressure of anxiety. Even the relativists boasting of their strength to withstand the unknown can’t deny that — they just resigned on finding an answer.

Thus, people create soothsaying tools to find meaning in natural patterns. Some put their faith in astrology, even though it was shown times and again that it means nothing. Some feel empowered by encountering number sequences such as 11:11, even though that pattern got its fame only with advent of digital clock and meant nothing before end of WWI.

Some try to make sense of the world through cards or symbols of alphabets associated with so-called archetypes (Nordic runes, I Ching, Tarot, Hebrew letters, etc.), although kings, priests, chariots and other civilization concepts, as well as writing as such, didn’t exist six millennia ago, and harvests, domestic animals, wells, towers (“houses of gods”), doors, or baskets were unknown another almost five millennia before that.

Then there are those who put their faith in science and then inevitably twist themselves into pretzels in order to extract some objective meaning afterwards, because it’s exactly science of all of the soothsaying tools that actually reveals that there’s no meaning, substance, and objective value inherent in patterns of universe. And of course let’s not forget those who comfort themselves with prophecies, that is, predictions that, in self-fulfilling way, are intended to shape the present and force an artificial meaning on it.

Now don’t get me wrong, a simple observation that, for example, the Sumerian transactional civilization, also dubbed as Whore of Babylon and which is our planetary status quo, will inevitably crumble for good and its survivors will eventually appreciate the emptiness of the world is neither rocket science nor miraculous revelation. It’s simply a self-evident fact on par with observations that each of us will die one day or that the universe will inevitably end, no matter if in big freeze, crunch, or bounce.

But it’s clear as day, that there is no objective meaning in the world beyond the world existing as such. Or in other words, the meaning of life is life itself. Thus, I literally burst out laughing, totally amused, when I saw the results of US election today, “There you have it!” And as expected, many are asking, what does it mean? Not me laughing, but the results.

Well, it means nothing my dears, but in the larger picture of events all across the world, it’s as clear a mirror of the state of human race as one could get. If it was not evident before, it should be obvious by now — you simply cannot fuck with causality. And, if relatively fair means were not enough to move people to change, calamity will inevitably follow. Though some folks would also add that most minds won’t be moved by that either.

しようがない, as some would say — we are heading for funny times.

Well, I’ve told you to get ready :D



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