Sender Spike
2 min readMay 5, 2023


"What do those false practitioners of Buddhism have to do with how I've represented Buddhism?"

You criticize Buddhism based on the interpretations of those misguided folks. And you do the same with Christianity.

"Are you objecting to the taking of nirvana to be the ultimate goal, whereas a real Buddhist isn't supposed to have any goal?"

No, I objected that you misrepresented the nature of the end goal.

"Children aren't fully personal, which is why they're not socially credited with being fully responsible for their actions."

They are fully personal. Period. That they are not socialized, hence not given full social status, is a different matter. Also, the arbitrary, culturally conditioned ages all across the world (age of consent, age when you are allowed to drive, age when you are allowed to vote, drink, etc.) should be a clear indicator that the mainstream concept of personhood to which you subscribe is a sham.

"I'm not clear on what's "troubling" about my view of personhood, or how that relates to your thought experiment."

It reminds me of proponents of anthropocentric clockwork universe where only human is conscious and has an "inner" world. But only certain kind of human, the rest being savage animals not eligible to human (read compassionate and fair) treatment. As a Jew you should be familiar with the concept of goy, aka non-Jew, aka non-human. Rest assured, Jews are not alone in this -- e.g. gypsies have similar concept: "roma" (how gypsies address themselves) means human, the rest, "gadjo" (aka, non-roma), are non-human. I'm certain that you are aware of the differences how a Jew should treat a person (aka another Jew) and what is allowed toward goyim. Frankly, such pre-historic tribal ideas are troubling no matter how I look at it. That you may base your divisions on different categories plays absolutely no role as it makes absolutely no difference.

"The mystical consciousness you posit is impersonal, right?"

No, it's inhuman and the source of the notion of person. Technically, there's only one person in the whole universe. That's also why you will never find other than first person perspective.

"So what's the trouble?"

Come on ;)



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