Well, if I was asked to provide a 101 into “spirituality”, I could toot my own horn, because spirituality can be summarized on one typed page, but that still feels ridiculous to me, so I would recommend Alan Watts or Vedanta Society (especially lectures of Swami Sarvapriyananda). The latter is a tiiiny bit on the religious side, then again I never heard Advaita (which also Chopra butchers) explained with such simplicity and clarity (and for free mind you). Which brings me to the question of how to make a living as a spiritual teacher. Well, I asked myself what would I do if everyone knew their true nature and no spiritual teachers were necessary, because parents and whole society would simply raise/teach/lead everyone straight to the “point”. I ended up creating free software while also spreading the “good news” around (when I feel like it), and relying on Patreon (an patrons in general) waiting for people to come to their senses and start to behave more like trees than viruses.