Well, I put “movies pkd books” into Google (I know, I know … :D) and I went WOW — I didn’t know that some of my most favorite flicks are adaptations of his work (Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, The Adjustment Bureau, Next was quite good too). There is also adaptation of Radio Free Albemuth and A Scanner Darkly looks promising (half animated with the guarantee of a solid story — an otaku’s dream). Jeez, I didn’t even realize PKD is one of my favorite authors. How ridiculous is that? It’s like those songs that are covers of covers of covers.
I hope she’ll be back. She’s one of the far more interesting newbies on Medium.
I keep trying to talk myself into leaving, but so far I haven’t come up with a good enough argument.
I don’t want to sound impertinent, but where exactly would you go? As far as I can tell, Medium is still the best blogging platform. Wordpress is ok as a personal site, not so ok for publishing, and plain PITA to use for interaction. Blogger is even worse. And the rest is not even worth a mention. On the other hand, I must say that I admire your tenacity and persistence in the face of adversity. Maybe I will sound selfish now, but to me you are like a beacon in the treacherous seas of Medium. And I dare to say that there are other people who share my sentiment, too.
protest against Ev Williams’ vision for the site. Just trying to prove that worthwhile things are still being published here. But the fact that it takes me two or three weeks to find ten worthy stories seems to argue against my own theory.
Yeah, Ev in his shortsightedness does not make it exactly easy to find those works. Though I wonder how much of the current situation is his personal involvement and how much is the work of the people he hires and trusts (?). I still think that he surrounded himself with wrong folks— friends of friends of friends who don’t have his best interest at their hearts but see only a huge quick buck. In one word leeches. Hopefully he wakes up from that nightmare (provided, I don’t give him the benefit of the doubt in vain).
I recently republished a book I wrote in 2005 (published in 2006) on my own version of the topic of topics.
Looks intriguing. Do I know some parts of it? I mean, did you already publish something from that book here on Medium?
But we inhabit a universe made out of God, who on some level is doing the same thing […] Gods shadow is a real thing out there (personal to God but not personal to us) we have to deal with. Even though its all us on the cosmic level is not help in the day to day.
As above so below as they say. Hence, we also have access to the same powers and that is quite helpful as far as I’m concerned. How much of these powers we can harness is another thing however.
We often wind up in this place. But nobody else here even seems to recognize a land beyond language exists. Bloody writers… :0)
LOL. Indeed. Talkative wordy bunch :D