Very good questions!
As far as I get it, Pauli-Jung conjecture and dual aspect monism are basically identical with Taoism -- you have Yin and Yang that are both but aspects of the "unspeakable" Tao. Hence, the immanent and transcendent part alone is not God. You must include the second part -- that which is permeated and climbed over. However, both parts are not actual parts, just ways how the oneness manifests (or appears). There is nothing wrong with this, because were it not for this apparent dualism there would be no universe. In other words, this apparent dualism is, so to speak, the first step/rule of creation. God, however, encompasses both sides of the same coin (that God is).
When it comes to deliberate intent, indeed, our "natural human intuition" in the face of a perfect system is, in this day and age, exactly as you describe it. We are so enmeshed in our deliberately created (and imperfect!) human systems that we cannot fathom how a more functional one could emerge spontaneously. Yet, the observation detached from this bias shows a rather different, although unintuitive, picture.
Just to add one more example from the many I came across (some of which I already mentioned) -- development of new drugs and other substances on an industrial scale uses a method where the components randomly react (as in chemical reaction) and the resulting compounds are then screened off by natural chemical selection. As I understand it, it proved to be much faster than targeted design.
With that being said, when you say that "scientist studying evolution have gone away from relying on purely random mutations combined with natural selection" it's only one half of the whole picture. The debate is whether the mutations are random and merely screened off by environment via natural selection, or if the environment directly influences mutations and then simply screens off unmutated variants, again, via natural selection. Of course, there is also epigenetics etc., but in essence there is no deliberate "invisible blueprint" which directs those processes other than the one already physically present in all observable laws of nature and which is therefore clearly based in self-regulation.
And that obviously points at a "natural teleology" (which I would call solipsistic and consider it perfectly fine) that the meaning of one's life is one's life. The meaning comes as an inherent effect not as a premeditated cause. In other words, Sender Spike is not here because of some deliberate design, but because of how this universe is. Sender Spike with all attributes and such was simply a distinct possibility and thus, sooner or later, almost inevitable. Frankly, as a human being, it makes me helluva grateful.