This is one of the more sensible articles on the topic. However, I eagerly await the day when queer folks come to terms with the fact that they are not the standard. I mean, and to put it no uncertain terms, if we were all queer and "stuck to our guns," humanity would die out within one generation.
The insistence on making queerness of any kind on par with heterosexual behavior is what alienates most of the straight folks. After all, sex is first and foremost a reproductive function and has very little to do with "love" or self-identification.
But of course, and it should go without saying (though, sadly, the reality is different), as one does not bully and discriminate against mentally handicapped people, one should express the same compassion toward folks with nonfunctional sexual orientations. After all, the subjective personhood of "I" is identical all across the board no matter one's individual make-up.
I also don't think that there is little pro-trans content on internet. However, it's exactly the trans folks who present the "community" in negative light and as solely obsessed with sex. But that is another story.