The World to Come
How everyone waits for Godot and what to do about it
Wherever I look, people are expecting someone else to create a paradise for them. They wait for a place of abundance to be build for them, so they can just comfortably move in once it is accomplished.
From all the so called rational citizens believing in politics, who habitually give mandate to a person with the most persuasive vision of the world they wish to inhabit, to the most “out there” believers hoping for a divine intervention, utopia of their dreams descending from the sky, and them being suddenly transformed into pure beings deserving of the privilege to share that space.
That, and all shades of similar delusions in between. I say delusions, because, I tell you, no such thing will ever happen.
I won’t bother to discuss the extremity of hoping for the solution to come from within the “matrix”. If someone cannot see that a system based on fight, which we nowadays sophisticatedly call competition, in order to attach value to everything with the sole purpose of withholding resources by and for the winners cannot ever produce a harmonious, not even a sustainable, society, all I can say to such a person is, “My condolences,” as they are already as dead as a human can ever be.
On the other hand, one would expect that people who at least don’t shy away from the notion of God would know better than hoping for said God to arrange everything for them.
Yes, some folks may try to take the matters into their hands. They turn to politics, charity, civil services, preaching, and who knows to what else. In extreme cases even to violence. All in God’s name of course and with proper amount of feelings of self-righteousness and patting one’s back that goes with it, sometimes even pompously flaunted in public.
What a waste of time, energy, and God-given talents. But as was said, and I will just remind you — all those people already have their reward.
To make the long story short, and not just point at what’s obviously wrong, let’s go straight to the point — don’t wait for anyone to create “the world to come” for you as that would mean that you will wait until the heaven and earth cease to exist. Instead, start creating it right now.
But before you go, and start willy-nilly shaping the world around you to the image of your selfish desires, let me tell you that not everything goes (even if, after all, in your eyes you are building the world you would like to inhabit, most probably with you as a king or queen of sorts).
Many of you will frown upon the idea because you think you have choice in this matter. Yes, you can choose to do it or not, but there’s only one way to go about it — give everything, the best you can, give the whole of yourself completely free, with no strings attached and without any demand of getting anything in return — no money, no acclaim, no acknowledgement, not even silent pleasure of satisfaction — simply nothing.
Give just as a matter of fact.
If you will be able to do that, I cannot promise you that you will change the world, but I can guarantee you that your world changes profoundly. The choice is yours.