Sender Spike
2 min readMay 6, 2023


"The word 'create' is not used, nor is 'evolving' as in your response. Nor 'original Man'."

I was referring to this: "It clearly refers to a new faculty that was being evolved as an aspect of the Divine Light residing within man, that is the soul."

"why can you not consider that the 'higher self' is one of those relative forms, apparently real while we exist as humans?"

For the same reason why I have issues with terms like "states of consciousness." We can talk about states of awareness, that is, mental capacity to be aware, but consciousness as such has no states. Similarly, self, which is basically the mentioned consciousness, that is, the notion of "I-ness" or first person subjective perspective, cannot be sliced to higher, lower, or what have you. In other words, you may talk about higher or lower awareness of the nature of self (i.e. consciousness), but not the self itself.

"All this is your opinion of course. I could say one which is based upon your spiritual path, which is or seems true for you"

Well, to paraphrase Jung (?), I don't have to believe or resort to opinions, I know. It may sound cocky to you, but it is what it is, and anyone can test it for themselves. I merely attest to the validity of sources that talk about non-dual nature of reality, upon which I have stumbled by sheer coincidence and by dumb luck -- I come from shamanic tradition which is rather dualistic and littered with concepts you also deal with (planes of existence, incorporeal entities, life after death, etc.), and I researched the so-called scriptures of traditions like Advaita, Buddhism, Taoism, but also Judaism/Kabbalah and Christianity only after the fact, only to realize that what I "discovered" is a millennia old knowledge.

"You could contrast it with that of Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, who like you considers himself to be spiritually knowledgeable"

Frankly, I don't consider myself knowledgeable, but I know what I know. Sure, you can still shrug it off as merely my personal delusion, however the crucial difference is that I know perfectly where you and Marcus come from whereas you only intuit and Marcus outright rejects where I come from. Also, I cannot read that link since the guy blocked me (not that I’m exactly eager TBH).

"Nothing I write has any relevance to my thoughts about myself in the afterlife."

Great. I'm glad my hunch was wrong ;)



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