The funny thing about Heaven, the ultimate cosmic joke, is that we cannot not be there. To put it in human language (with Abrahamic flavor) – we are always in Heaven in eternity with God. But as you say, many people rather speculate than actually put their lives in order to create life conditions suitable for the pursuit of making themselves “empty” of themselves.
However, I would not say that one can storm the Heaven. As I said above, we are always in touch with Heaven. Not always aware of it though. But as you say, one should be patient and vigilant and continue in hunting down one's identities and worldviews. Eventually the noise is silenced, idols seen through, and the Heaven, which was always there, becomes clearly apparent.
What you describe reminds me of people who demand signs and proofs from God. Something similar also happened to Arjuna when Krishna showed him his true form – he could not withstand it, it was driving him crazy.
Interesting is also the fact that Semele was mother of Dionysus, the god of trance and intoxication. As I wrote in the piece, getting lost in one's mind or simply going crazy is a common occurrence among psychonauts. That might be the reason why Buddhism and Taoism implicitly discourage intoxication on the path of knowledge. Perhaps that's also why basic Christianity discourages trance through mantra. Thus I would say that going up in flames is more a problem for sorcerers, shamans, or mystics in general when they cannot let go fast or thoroughly enough. If path of the mystic is not one's predilection, one is basically safe.
Then again, I've heard myths about folks who after enlightenment simply withered away (in bliss). On the other hand, for all of them it was the truly last thing to accomplish.