The Devil Has You

Sender Spike
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


Most people are average and they hate themselves. Even if they don’t admit it and curse their lot putting blame left and right, like Job, when shit hits the fan, they secretly wish they were not born. After all, even all those religions and philosophies, the ones that should supposedly save, support that view. Even the most uplifting ones agree that it’s best not to be born, but if one already happens to be here, one should go the distance. Either just because, or to eventually not be born again, or to rise and be reborn into another better world (which amounts to the same).

Talk about mediocre worldviews of an average man.

But it’s hardly surprising, because average people are weak. No matter if they can punch through a wall or outsmart everyone else. They get easily swayed like reed in the wind by any allure that licks their perceived insecurities which they hate so much. It does not matter if they cling to the carrot like a tick and call it principled and steadfast. They will bend over backwards to keep sucking up to the pacifier of their choice.

Left or right leaning, on top or on bottom, forward or backward looking. Atheist, theist, religious, or spiritual. Makes no difference. Average man just plods and is offended. Whether wide awake or sleeping. All. The. Time.

God benignantly smirks at the amount of might with which average men might offer their love, and I certainly don’t want to be loved the way average men love themselves. So yeah JC, you got this one quite wrong. Or was it just Bible?

In any case —

Dear average people, fuck your philosophies, religions, spiritual and other inclinations. Fuck your vices masked as feel-good virtues. Fuck your lukewarm mediocrity that oozes out of you with idiotic zeal or goody two-shoes hypocrisy. To quote a classic, “We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” However, sitting on your ass thinking about doing does not count as work.

And yet, it must be said, no one was ever born average.

Let that sink in.



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