Thanks, Jack. No, there's no PHD or thesis in the progress. I had merely a bout of "academism" :D Well, curiosity got out the best of me, so I just thought I may as well express myself with some modicum of proper form (yet still in a blogish way).
I remember that we were already discussing Abram. I recall having some objections back then, but I really like this "I-Thou" to "I-It" idea (I would not tie it merely to written text, though). I can clearly see the dynamic play out and also come to its inevitable, but still absurd, extremity of "It-It" as is the case with Dennettianism (but I guess, also existentialism and nihilism--then again, are they not the same?).
As for collective cultural manifestation of "foreign installation", this ethnohistoric excursion definitely put some things into perspective for me. Then again, and hopefully without sounding arrogant, it's not that hard to "give us their mind" considering that 70% of humans has IQ of 85-115 which is only a slightly higher than a (maybe) above average gorilla. Playing on our chimp-genes proves out rather effective. Truly a "stupendous maneuver".