Thanks for proving my point. We are talking religion, not the texts religion uses to justify its existence and ideology and which may or may not contain some nuggets of truth. Moreover, being a member of any religion is, to use your words, "idiotic" by definition -- after all, by their fruits you shall know them and the product of religions, i.e. religious person and their behavior, speaks for itself. To use your analogy, it's criticizing a band that uses some genre of music to incite bad behavior of their fans. That's why e.g. Jesus left normative Judaism or why Buddha left Vedic Hinduism, that is, religions they initially came from (Jesus was not a Christian but a Jew, Buddha was not a Buddhist but a Hindu, and, if they were alive today, they would condemn Christianity and Buddhism the same way). And that's not a bias, that's a verifiable fact. It's enough to know thyself.