Thanks for explanation. I must LOL at KISS because the first paragraph is completely above my head. As I said, math was never my forte — I could not solve Schrodinger’s equation even if my life depended on it :D (I was quite surprised, I could grasp at least the basics of shape dynamics). So, when I read your description, all I could imagine was a weather forecast model in real time (which would be in itself quite a feat). I’m just a bit sad that it will find its utilization primarily as a part of business sector.
As for the second paragraph — the more I think about it the more I think that I should reconsider my tendency to explain magic just as a function of targeted sustained subconscious effort, placebo effect, or generally as the “power” of mind :D On the other hand I wonder, why, when those folks were sending qubits “back in time”, they had 85% rate of success with two qubits, but the rate dropped immediately to 50% when they added third. But I guess, that’s what you say — the less complex the structure gets, the easier is anything possible.
Anyway, thanks again for explanation. It will be a food for though to me for a while ;)
P.S. I responded to the rest in the other reply.