Sadly, for now, we can only be measured on Kardashian scale :D In order for transhumanism to be successful and for humanity to reach even the first level on Kardashev scale, we would need a social cohesion several times of that which existed in Egypt when they built pyramids. And such level of social unity is possible only with absolute self-knowledge. But at that point transhumanism completely loses its appeal as at that point everyone is aware that we already are a "society of gods". By design, or rather "brute facts." It's simply how this universe rolls (and there is no reason to be distressed by that except if one choses to be). Thus the technological progress would be redirected into a more sane endeavors.
And just a few remarks:
- it's not true that humans are the only species that is self-aware (see apes, elephants, dolphins, etc.)
- intelligence of humans is nothing to write home about: average human IQ is c. 100, above average gorilla is c. 90, i.e. 75% of human population is roughly on par with our closest living relatives
- each and every living organism is as autonomous as a human is, that is to say, the choices made are completely free, only that the more complex the organism (e.g. mammal > insect) the less of instinctive influences there are in the reasoning process
- when it comes to ambition in animal kingdom, just look how ambitions of chimp beta males cause even intertribal wars
- as for ingenuity: well, look at termits or birds, chimps' use of tools, and so on and so forth
All in all, compared to animals we are just a slightly upgraded version of the same. It's all just merely a matter of degree, not really a difference in quality. What really sets human apart from other animals (AFAWK) is symbolic thinking, but that has very little impact on actual physical universe. So, to speak that we are "above natural law" is just hubris and ignorance of the highest order. Frankly, unthink death, if you are so special of a creature :D You may transhumanize yourself to the bone and you still won't succeed.