Right before I read that sentence I shouted with you, "Ego!" :D :D :D
On a serious note. "Sin" is, indeed, what prevents us from "being reached." God may call your number, but while you "sin" you don't even hear the phone ringing. You may think you do, but that’s just tinnitus. But "sin" is not what most people think it is. For starters, infatuation with one's own "ego" (as in the case of this young man) is a "sin."
All in all, all possible "sins" are summed up in Ten Words. Translated into 21st century language:
- not admitting the existence of absolute truth;
- personification, imagination or other objectification of said truth (and subsequent veneration of that objectification);
- using that objectification as validation of our actions;
- not investing time into stopping and just looking around at what is;
- not accepting the causality of universe.
The second half / tablet is then pretty straightforward: physical violence, theft and cheating, obsession with sex (and desires in general), lying, envy.
Those are the only "sins" that make us unreachable. They prevent us from seeing what's right in front of us. But I'm certain that that pastor had something totally different in mind when he talked about "sin."