Priests Are the Cancer of the World
No church can fulfill its purpose while it’s in their hands
Ever since the first psychonauts established themselves as the sole intermediaries between divine and the members of their tribe, from the very moment when these proto-priests emerged, I hated that lot.
Now, when I talk about hate, I don’t talk about anger. I hate priests exactly as I hate flu. Can I be angry with a virus that does what it’s meant to do? Then again, it’s a bit different with people, as they posses free will and can decide whether they will be an illness or not. Suffice to say, I can understand why all those weaklings became priests in the first place, but still…
First and foremost, I hate priests for not knowing what they are dealing with. For if they knew, there is no way they would remain priests. The moment they realized the absolute truth, they would run as fast and as far from priesthood as they can. This is the main reason why they give me so many other reasons to passionately hate them.
Like this one (no comment needed):
Or this one:
Joshua Harris, who went from a fundie Evangelical to a marketing guru after “deconstruction of his faith” (LOL — he was a marketing guru from the start, I would say), or Richard Rohr, who has some valid insights but still really loves to listen to himself (and many many more) still exhibit this pastor superstar complex, too. “Vanity, definitely my favorite sin!” indeed.
And of course, the above is closely tied to this:
Like seriously — can you imagine Jesus or Buddha selling sermons or charging a fee for talking to people? If you think that paying for truth makes sense, you are nuts, and it serves you right that you are being scammed. In fact you should pay fifty bucks on top of the regular price, just for your stupidity. It’s not a validation that even that king exiled from Tibet, masquerading as a Buddhist, is in this disgusting business of selling the “truth”.
Oh, and there’s also this one (monks, but in this case it’s the same):
Truly, an embodiment of peace.
And I could continue on and on — sexual abuse is rampaging in all spiritual traditions, and also you may do yourself a favor, and research financial standing of Catholic church, Dalai Lama, or any famous preacher, guru, or self-proclaimed “god-man”.
I know, I know, I hear you scream, “That’s just a few bad apples!”
I say, bullshit. It’s the modus operandi of the priestly class. Worldwide. It’s why priests established themselves in the first place, and also why they cling to their status. It’s all about money and power.
And let me remind you — if you support any priestly religion in any way, you are complicit, you are a part of the problem.
It’s high time to cure this disease.