"perfect humans don't make mistakes"
Why should be perfect synonymous with not making mistakes? Perfect simply means that even mistakes are perfectly, exhaustingly, and in full accounted for. No matter what mistake anyone makes, universe goes on. And of course, what even is a mistake? I see only choices, acts, and their consequences. (Not to mention that humans, quite obviously, perfectly follow/mirror/obey all laws of nature. How could it be otherwise?)
"You're talking about the results of physics. I'm talking about one's soul."
To appreciate such distinction, I would have to first subscribe to a notion of individual soul, which I do not. Neither supernatural, nor one that is subject to physics. Still, even if I admit existence of some such hypothetical soul (whatever it may be) for the sake of your argument, causality would apply equally in both cases. So, the point about your gripes with universal causality stands. Do you, per chance, consider universe flawed? That would explain a lot and wouldn’t be all that different from the Christian notion of fallen world :P
"it seems like you don't see that I'm throwing stones at the Christian biblical narrative"
Of course that I see you "throwing stones at the Christian biblical narrative." If you carefully reread what I wrote in my previous replies to you, you may even spot it. But as I said, since you didn't notice that, exactly like you, I'm not a Christian either, you are barking up a wrong tree ¯\_(ツ)_/¯