Of course, good and evil are just labels. Universe, if anything, is perfect, that is to say, omnibenevolent, because any conceivable option literally goes. Yet, you, too, imply that serving ego is evil and following path to self-realization is good. And you describe the effects of both choices (i.e. causes) quite to the point.
So, naturally, there is "good and evil out there", but only as causal relationships that govern everything equally. In other words, that Universe is in essence amoral does not mean that human morality is not an extension of overarching (causal) rules.
However, without absolute self-knowledge one either ends up with arbitrary (or relative) categories of what is good and what is evil, or with a notion that there is no absolute "morality." And, as I said, you simply must accept the causality (of that) first. That is another, rather inviolable, causal rule :D