Of course, but it's impossible for an expression, a complex "level" of natural order, to separate itself from the underlying "substrate." Exactly as wave and water go together. Btw., did you know that entropy can be reversed even outside of living organisms? It merely seems that organic processes are the right tool for the job. See: https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.10057 or retold in a more popular manner https://phys.org/news/2019-03-physicists-reverse-quantum.html . Well, just sayin’ ;)
When it comes to consciousness, I'm personally undecided. But if consciousness is indeed emergent property (of brain, I suppose), I would really like to know, considering the morphological and physiological similarities between mind-brains of mammals and other animals (certainly at least birds), what is the minimal necessary neural complexity to generate consciousness, and, considering all of the above, how can billions of totally unique brains produce a phenomenon that is identical to a T.
And of course, that phenomenon would still be merely a manifestation of the "unified space-time/quantum soup." All in all, I still maintain the position that whether someone revolts being a part of universe and feels horrified by it, whether they try to “escape” by means of mental fantasy worlds, or one is content with the inevitable, it is all merely a matter of personal preference and individual response (which in turn is again but an arbitrary manifestation of the same underlying "inhuman substrate").