Not to mention that "about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” (Matt. 22:31-32)
As for ruach (breath / soul), I'll only add that to this day orthodox rabbis explain it as a spark of God's consciousness (synonymous with knowing) and use a parable of a light ray emanating from Sun.
And slightly off topic, "descend of Holy Spirit" (ruach ha-kodesh) is then a concept of "attaining the consciousness of God" (synonymous with "entering God's kingdom") and is said to impart "perfect knowledge" (i.e. gnosis / enlightenment).
This was something very well understood by early Christians, whether they belonged to apostolic or gnostic tradition, and was considered a prerequisite for teaching (see Irenaeus and his Against Heresies -- as a side note, judging solely by their "fruits", at that time already, neither of those groups had "perfect knowledge", and even if it's beside the point, it surely explains a lot).