No, I say that it leaves out the hard-core materialistic observation which posits quite indubitably that each and every particle, which this universe is comprised of, obeys the same rules. And it does not matter into what structure these particles are arranged -- be it a galaxy, star, or what we conventionally call a "living being" -- those complex structures differ only in terms of function (which is obviously dependent on the particular arrangement). You, however, seem to treat universe as something outside of Benjamin Cain, something that acts against his better judgment and keeps him trapped in undesirable circumstances from which you cannot find way out. It sounds very much like Christian theology in reverse -- the (faulty) premise is the same, only the solution is exactly the opposite (i.e. complete rejection or a sort of revolt instead of blind obedience leading to some illusory future salvation). So, the question arises whether you are denying (modern) physics which clearly tells that Benjamin Cain is inseparable part of universe with everything that goes with it, including the highly specific functionality.
As for mystical experiences -- all that anyone can honestly say about consciousness (there's no "deep" one btw.) is that it is without any attributes whatsoever and is the source of our notion of "I-ness". That is an observable fact. Yes, it's "only subjectively" observable, but observable nevertheless. Alas, you said many times that you consider it a mind-trick, which clearly tells me that you have no clue about its nature. Frankly, pinpoint your consciousness and come back to tell me if it's a mind-trick. It really has nothing to do with emotional impact or some expected profoundness. Sadly, I can talk all day how ice cream tastes, but someone who never had any, won't understand. They can imagine and speculate, but that's that. As a person who set out to study the world by means of thinking, you should probably know thinking and all accompanying processes inside-out. Not from books, but first hand.