Nirvana of Holy Spirit

Sender Spike
3 min readJan 26, 2022



When we try to talk about nirvana, moksha, mukti, or liberation, i.e. that what is in the West better known as spiritual enlightenment, we must always keep in mind that what we are talking about is knowledge. Not intellectual, not experiential, but a deep, more than visceral, knowledge of the core of our existence. We are talking about simple realization in both meanings of the word — knowledge of our true nature and subsequent manifestation of that knowledge.

This knowledge is indestructible and permanent. It is the fixed point that can be used to literally move the whole world. It makes you see and honor the causal streams ruling the phenomenal world of otherwise uniform existence that is revealed to be you yourself aka God. At the same time, it also reveals misconceptions and shortcomings in all incomplete ideologies and worldviews.

Hence, it gives you necessary insight and wisdom for counsel as well as steadfast valor to don’t budge and take responsibility for the knowledge that was revealed. After all, causality is merciless (but fair!) and mistakes at this point are not an option. Thus, even though the ability to see consequences without bias may almost seem as a gift of prophecy, the fear of screwing up is very real and one treads exceptionally lightly.

And that is very much like what you can read in Isaiah 11:2 about the gifts of Breath of God.

However, descent of Holy Spirit perceived as an experience is merely a form of ecstasy that is neither holy nor has anything to do with any spirit. These are all those accounts of Holy Spirit coming and going. These encounters can reveal some partial fragments of truth, but they are still colored by illusion (as also many failed, not only Biblical, prophecies clearly attest).

It is then quite predictable that one small misstep (or “sin”) can make one lose the state of mind needed to travel into those ecstatic realms and people incorrectly assume that the Holy Spirit departed from such a person. Well, that fabled Spirit was never there to begin with.

Therefore, it’s no wonder that you have to be born from water and Spirit. That is, born by the breath-taking realization of unity of conscious “I” hovering over the waters of equally uniform being “am”, undivided and without another, always dwelling at the source of ongoing creation. It’s no wonder that this is the descent of Holy Spirit that gives everlasting existence, the only breath that endows human with true life, the only way to God’s kingdom of Heaven aka Eden.

It’s also no wonder why it was said that you can shit on God as well as Son of Man [1], but if you laugh at the possibility of realization and knowledge of true nature of God and yourself as such, you can obviously never realize the truth. That naturally makes you “guilty of an eternal sin” and you “will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven”, “either in this age or in the age to come.” In other words, you will, quite logically, condemn yourself to eternal suffering, or at least suffering that lasts as long as you keep such dismissive attitude.

Thus I have spoken :)


[1] Which is merely an euphemism for an enlightened human being, or “free man” as an allusion to how Ezekiel was addressed by God as “true prophet”. Quite the irony considering Zeke’s penchant for wishful thinking and failed predictions.

