Just a Few Facts

Sender Spike
1 min readFeb 28, 2022


Weapon manufacturers don’t show their support for Ukraine by supplying them with necessary arms for free. Governments must use tax money to buy everything, from fuel to humanitarian items, if they want to help. In addition, donation funds must be set up in order to finance all of the above. Common people must go and buy items in supermarkets and elsewhere if they want to donate food, water, etc. to charities for refugees.

Not that it was something new — war was always an excellent business and PR opportunity. This war, however, is a bigger one. It’s not merely about repelling and destroying one particular imperium. It’s about extermination and eradication of everything that makes it possible for any imperium to arise in the first place.

But seeing how people are still stuck in their old ways, I wonder if we will grasp this chance. Look good and look hard at what you support when you are unwilling to let go of trade, business, and money.

And if you feel urge to argue with this, save your energy because I will have just one thing to say to you — іди на хуй.



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