Judaism and Love of Money — Afterthoughts

Is Israel descending into Messianic dictatorship?

Sender Spike
2 min readJul 16, 2023

Few days ago, I wrote an article about the corrupt state of Judaism. It got little love despite being seen and read by a fair number of people. At least, by the standards of my other pieces.

The reason, I suppose, is that it borders on topics that many anti-semitic groups and individuals turned to tropes used as ammunition to fuel hate, anti-Jewish sentiments, and all that revolting fascist and racists dirt that comes with it (see RFK Jr. and his psychopathic anti-semitic babble about COVID and Ashkenazi Jews as a recent example).

But I must stress — what I described is in no way a conspiracy theory. If you don’t believe me, perhaps you will believe Yuval Noah Harari. While I have my gripes when it comes to his rather shallow and biased books on history, as far as I can tell, his description of the recent situation in Israel is pretty spot on.

Even though he absolutely ignores the fact that the situation is a direct result of adhering to ideas found in “Oral Torah” (almost the entire Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, etc.) and rabbinical rulings derived from it — he does not explicitly touch upon that in any shape and form — when people like him acknowledge that Jewish clero-fascism is a thing, you should probably listen.

Well, you may close your eyes before this unpleasant truth, but, exactly as portrayed in Christian literature of the early 1st century CE, and despite rabbis of today sounding at times as if they knew how to know the absolute truth, when you listen long enough, you realize that something is off and smells fishy.

In other words, when you look at the situation on the ground — the actual fruits — you will see that in those last two millennia since destruction of the second temple and subsequent exile, nothing substantial has changed and Judaic religious authorities behave exactly the same as in the times of Jesus:

“You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.” (Matthew 23:13)

Now, you can go ahead and stone me. There’s a particular way in which I like to be stoned, but it has nothing to do with rocks and the like ;P

Sigh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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