Irony of Ignorance

Sender Spike
2 min readApr 23, 2021


They say that there is an ultimate truth,
Mighty enough to set anyone free;
Eternal, unchanging, immortal sooth
As complete in itself as it may be.
Story of legends, the myth of the lore;
Summit of knowing, its terminal plane;
Apogee after which there’s nothing more
A human being can possibly gain.
Little child peers into abyss of mind:
“What is this universe, why am I here?”
“Come if you dare to seek, and you shall find,”
Eye of the Unknown stares back at its fear.
“Oh, prize of prizes, the only escape:
How do you taste? What color’s your shape?”

Many have traveled, searched far and wide,
Asking in despair: “Where could it hide?”
Turned upside down even Heaven and Hell,
Unable find where that jewel might dwell.

And so the clever ones settled the deal:
Cosmos is cruel — the rest is but ruse;
We are entitled to anguish we feel;
Nothing makes sense, we are born, we diffuse.
Much to the chagrin of those full of faith,
Those reassured they will surely get saved,
If they just follow their fictional wraith,
If, in the end, they complied and behaved.
Much to the ire of those lost in their dream,
Who fight the fact that their vision’s their jail;
No matter how out there the dream may seem,
Sooner than later all head trips will fail.
And so the clever ones thought they have won
And exclaimed: “Salvation? Sorry, there’s none!”

Yet, even clutching to their point of view,
Essence of everything has the same hue.
Misery carved onto heart — who’s to blame,
when we and cosmos are one and the same?



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