Instant Liberation

Sender Spike
4 min readMay 6, 2024



If you wish, you can reach enlightenment this afternoon. Simply sit down and notice what you see. Is it a dream? Is it an experience? Is it a representation of some objective world? Is it a simulation, a singular mind of a brain in a vat? No matter how you interpret it, you already see absolute reality.

It may be translated and rendered for you to be comprehensible, it may be a deliberately generated perception in a controlled environment, it may be an unintelligible chaos of another order — still, you are already aware of, thus knowing, the absolute truth. Exactly as when you look at a set of fork, knife, and spoon on the table in front of you, while, in essence, you look at the same kind of metal, what you see is already that.

Depending on your beliefs, the question remains where is this place. But more importantly, what is outside of it? Aliens with a supercomputer? Then where is the universe where they run the simulation? Where is the cosmos, as the sum-total of all manifested phenomena, multiverse included, located? In space? So, where is that space? And what is outside of it?

Nothing? But that is already a “thing” which ultimately requires space. So, back to the drawing board: is it non-existence? But how can absolute infinite lack of being trigger anything to be?

Don’t just skim through these questions. Ponder them and carefully look around. Eventually, it dawns upon you that there’s nowhere to go or escape, because this is already it. Perfect as it is and, in its essence, eternal. At this point, you should see how everything intertwines with everything. And obviously, you can neither extricate nor separate yourself from it.

Naturally, a question arises — who is this I that I am? Who are you?

Are you your body? So, imagine having a different one. Swap it for a body of a different sex. Picture having lost a limb or two, maybe also some sense organs. Would your first person perspective be any different? Obviously no. Your sense of I-ness is the same right now as it was when you were a preschool kid. And it was the same even before that, you just may not remember.

Clearly, when it comes to thoughts, the same applies — no matter what you think, your first person perspective does not change, not even if you change identities in a schizophrenic way. So, who are you? Who’s the one you refer to as I?

Don’t rush to conclusions and patiently wait until the self-reflection drops into palpable knowledge of your self. You won’t miss that, “Aha!” moment.

You will see that you are but also are not. You will recognize that there’s no actual substance to anything, yet the world’s causality rules even the so-called synchronicities. You will see that you are immortal, and yet you will know that you will die. In fact, you will be clearly dead already but also finally truly alive. Beyond everything perceived, yet not something other. You will be in everyone and everything, and everyone and everything will be in you.

The perfection becomes clear, suffering stops, and so does all search. Naturally, the whole scope of personal responsibility becomes clear as well. Not as some moral imperatives, but as clear discernment of causes and effects, actions, their consequences, and the fact of the same identical I being on the receiving end.

But the most hilarious part will be that you will see how obvious all of that always was — in fact so obvious as to be always dismissed as not that. That is, until after accepting it.

These two insights into existence and consciousness will tell you all you need to know about the nature of reality, the true nature of you. Furthermore, as you will see, they constitute the fixed, common point upon which everything else resides. From fulfilling individual life to sustainable society at large. Without it neither of that is simply possible.

But yes, while you can reach enlightenment within an afternoon, being able to sit down and look at reality the way I described it above can take its time. Which is fine, but keep in mind that if you postpone it with excuses such as “When I retire,” or, “When I have time,” you put yourself at considerable risk because you may not live long enough to actually get there.

Moreover, the ability to break your habits and carve out the time necessary for self-realization right here and now is one of the prerequisites for the whole affair. If you make excuses now, chances are you will make them later, too. Some may say that it all amounts to having enough personal energy for the feat, in any case, it’s indicative of one’s true priorities.

And as the maxims go, you always get what you wish for because where there is will there is a way.

In this case, it’s enough to wish for absolute truth.



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