"In a very real sense the quest for self-knowledge is an act of revolution. The only one with any chance of succeeding."
Exactly. When you look into history, all revolutions were concerned merely with reshuffling of social hierarchy (church vs. feudal kings, feudals vs. merchants, merchants vs. "dictatorship of proletariat", etc.). Well, to quote a subtitle of one of my articles, "A different brand of meat grinder, revolution does not make."
"This the one one thing all corporations, their wealthy owners, and the governments that support and protect them will never let happen."
Ironically, only while they don't know themselves. Which is true for everyone connected to, and sucking off of, that structure. But yes, the more vested interest an individual has, the less likely they are to know themselves -- the famous "eye of a needle."
"Now that the lines have been drawn in the global battle between Capitalism and the Biosphere, I have to admit I'm not very hopeful about Humanity's future."
I'm not afraid at all. After all, dinosaurs went their way, but there still are crocodiles, turtles, snakes, lizards, or birds. Unlike reptiles, however, we still have c. dozen of months to make the transition as smooth as possible (a possibility dinosaurs could not even dream of). In any case, this (most probably) ain't the “end of the world.” And if it is, nature will for sure recuperate in one way or another.