Sender Spike
2 min readSep 23, 2019


Does this apply to you, as well, PSD? … Only your vision was real. Everybody else’s was self-delusion.

I am not talking about faith, visions, experiences, or what have you. I am talking about what remains when one throws it all away as non-conclusive. Because that’s what it is — in the end, it says nothing about the real nature of things, God, anything. However, no matter what I do (or don’t do), I cannot get rid of existence (but only to the extent that there obviously is whatever this is), consciousness (again, pretty obvious), and some kind of “so what?” attitude that comes with it (I guess, that’s that fabled peace, or bliss if you like). Certainly there’s no suffering. But I don’t think I’m special in this way. There were, are, and will be people like this. Heck, everyone is that way even as we speak, whether they are aware of it or not, but that awareness makes the whole difference (sort of — see below).

how you reconcile “there is really no fundamental difference “between a human being and a lump of coal” with the core Buddhist virtue of Compassion

You probably see human beings as more important than a lump of coal. Well, it’s just a matter of perspective — when I say they are not different, I say that a lump of coal is in no way less significant than a human being. Everything is equal. Though on a deeper level it’s more like, “Why would I do this to me?” I don’t know how else should I describe it. After the “fact” compassion comes pretty natural, but it’s not what people usually consider as compassion, e.g. patting everyone on the back, or a “good guy” shtick, etc. I would dare to say that the most compassionate thing to do is to help people “wake up”. Pretty much what bodhisattvas, you mention, have as their job description (though it’s hardly a job in the common meaning of the word).

What is the difference between reaching that “clearly defined end” of the search during one’s life, and simply believing you have reached the end?

See the first paragraph. Then there’s that unshakable knowledge (or whatever it is) that “this is it”, that there is nothing more fundamental to find. Only different forms of the same. And finally, there is one quite significant change — one is literally forced to obey this “knowledge”, and remove every habit that goes against it. Basically, it’s a point of no return. One cannot revert back to “sleep” and has to adapt to this “new” (or original) way of being. On the other hand, I would not go back even if I could. Hm, I doubt this explanation helped you much :D Anyway, it’s the best I could come up with ;) All in all, once you are “there”, you know you are there without the shadow of a doubt. It’s as obvious as Sun in the sky on a clear day. Ironically, real life starts only at that point.



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