I'm afraid that you won't find any real value, whether objective or subjective. Then again, it may be just a semantic thing because "zero value" is what translates to "no price" -- there's literally nothing in universe that would be more valuable than anything else, there no good and evil, there are only actions, consequences, and the fact that the same identical I is on the receiving end.
Hence, what you call value, I'd perhaps call priorities or necessities. And those are in the case of human pretty clear -- drink, food, medicine, clothing, comfy shelter, toys (as in technology), art, and self-knowledge (aka self-realization or enlightenment). Naturally, all within the context of an environment that is not counterproductive to pursuing of all said needs.
When I talk about shift in human thinking, I have in mind greed as the manifestation of human fear of death (hence the importance of self-realization). If that is not tackled, we will just continue to massage the same old "death cult" we live in for millennia.