If such assessment "follows from our social nature" it cannot be universal. It's anthropocentric by its very definition. It's obvious that you are a dualist. It's also obvious that you commit the same error as Gnostics or yogis (but also all hedonists and materialists throughout the history) committed. That is, picking a side of the apparent dual nature of reality according to your predilections. But logical conclusion of dualism is embracing both sides of the coin which reveals that there are no sides to begin with.
The most straightforward description of where dualism fits into the big picture can be found in Taoism -- the eternal Tao that cannot be spoken (of) "births" and appears as Yin-Yang. Simply speaking, dualism (by itself) is incomplete knowledge which cannot be reduced to absolutes if you don't transcend it (well, it can but you end up with BS).