Sender Spike
2 min read3 days ago


I'd say that you were having this conversation on and off and with various people for continuous 52 years :D But seriously, even that story does not deny, in fact it assumes, objective relative reality and causality.

It just says that faith is the casual power and limit is simply just lack of imagination and/or strength of conviction. While all characters also happily use their hands and feet, various objects that agree in space-time across observations, and so on. And it's the latter, IMO, what makes it a drama with enormous existential stakes.

Well, setting aside that no one to this day was able to unimagine or unthink change and the end of form aka death, there is always at least the limitation that human does not have the option to change the nature and essence of reality whatever that reality might be. (Still, I can assure you, we are immortal ;))

You may not like the phrase "physical limitation," but no faith and conviction can ever be absolute and 100% either, and there are also "things" that are simply unimaginable. It would not matter one bit whether the limit was baked into the physical or if it was baked into faith and imagination and physical just reflected that. Either way, the end result would be the same -- a limit to any form that would allow for a relational world with causal behavior exactly as we observe it all across the board, as above so below. (Not to mention that body = mind.)

To put it simply, and as I see it, you argue that world does not behave like A because it behaves like B. I say that, while my belief does not affect the actual mechanics of the world, the world clearly behaves like A and B. So, ignore any of them at your own peril :D I guess those are the self-imposed limitations you are so wary of.

The actual question, then, is, how the A and B relate. And no one can properly asses that, if they give preferential treatment to either. To be impartial, then, one needs to step back from both and assume an independent vantage point. And the only such vantage point I know of is realized self.



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