I would say that darkness descended long ago somewhere in Fertile Crescent. I’m not sure whether what humanity needs is an updated mythology. That will certainly emerge spontaneously once people verify the “fixed” reference point. It’s not that hard to make oneself “available for ‘enlightenment’” as the ancient scriptures/clergy make it appear. And also, it would be probably best if the new mythology remained a fluid affair, and not yet another “codex mundi” locked in space and time.
I love this quote from M.E. Harding, Psychic Energy:
Plans for control of the evil forces that have been loosed in the world, attempts to compensate the evil- doing by good works or sympathy for the victims, efforts to safeguard the peace or to effect ideal solutions of all the material problems involved, can do little to change the nature of the situation. The real problem, namely, the question of what can be done for civilization in face of the nonhuman forces arising from the collective unconscious in thousands or rather millions of individual persons, will remain untouched. However, if only one human being has met and solved the problem in himself, he will be a living demonstration of a solution. Such an individual carries with him the germ of a renaissance of the spiritual values of mankind.
The more such demonstrations, the better.