I think Ramana Maharshi said it pretty well when he observed that, "The world is illusory, Only Brahman is real, Brahman is the world." The illusion is literally the ineffable reality, the impermanent is literally the permanent (in disguise, so to speak). Sure, what happens to/through/within ego-self has no influence on the true nature of reality, but ego-self and its world is nothing other than that very nature perceived and experienced (by "itself" which is no other than you, or better said "I"), no matter how misrecognized. When all is gone, the question still remains, who's aware that there's no one there? After all, the awareness of absence is not absence of awareness. And it's exactly that "awareness" we derive our sense of "I-ness" from (and are taught to misidentify it, but that's another story).