"I don't think intent "cares" whether I become a Bhudda or waste my life drinking beer and watching TV"
Absolutely, and it also pretty much demonstrates that intent is, indeed, objective in relation to human being. But see below...
"not leaving the wheel of birth and death until all sentient beings are liberated"
Look at it this way -- no matter the cosmology (disc under dome, ball of magma hurling through universe, simulation, you name it) we cannot leave our support system. You can say that we are as if imprisoned. Thus, with no escape (even from Earth, let alone creation/universe), while the intent will pop up beings (human or other) like you and me into existence, it's the most logical and pragmatic course of action to help "sentient beings" to recognize who they are, and that they are, indeed, absolutely equal. Otherwise they cannot really cooperate. And the situation clearly demands it. It's perfectly rational and it also feels good because it serves literally everyone :P Well, and it’s definitely more pleasant to be born into an enlightened society. So there’s also that.
"dream does not equal unreal"
Yes, and thus should be treated with the same attention and care as the waking state. It may be obvious, but there are many people who treat waking state with the same abandon as they treat the dreamscapes. Well, I guess that's why I prefer stalking.
"objectively real"
Physical is subjective experience and description of the objective. You may call the same "thing" intent, or whatever. No matter how I look at it (physical, cosmic intent, god-mind idea, etc.) there is objective, human-independent reality (perceived as world) human is dependent on. That's more than enough for me. The rest is just a matter of a correct tool for any particular job. I would not try to mind-disappear dog shit on my lawn when using small shovel and rake is more practical and efficient. Exactly as I would not “emit chi” to assemble, repair, or operate a computer.