I deindividualize consciousness; a non-personal consciousness would be a misnomer indeed.
That particular kind of mysticism which is based on an experience as you described it (while nowadays being de facto *the* mysticism) belongs to all that bogus "spiritual" woo-woo: no particular experience means or leads to self-realization; no feels can be a valid basis for ontology. All those self-proclaimed selfless "depersonalized" mystics are utterly deluded. If they were selfless, they wouldn't know that they are selfless.
As for the dichotomy, universe as such (devoid of consciousness) is truly a zombie. But what we call life is of universe and you cannot ignore consciousness because cognition obviously happens. Hence, if life produces consciousness, universe is conscious and we are to universe what parts of our nervous system are to our bodies. And there's still being as such to explain.
Frankly, I don't see much difference between those two scenarios.