Hypocrites, Idiots, and Other Vermin
Several points to test yourself and find out if you are sane
3 min readJun 18, 2020
What follows is an unsorted list of contradictions or outright idiocies that make human society a hell on earth for everyone who participates in it. If you fall into only one of the categories, you are part of the problem.
So, in no particular order, you are a hypocrite, idiot, or another kind of vermin if:
- you criticize capitalistic exploitation, but happily use Amazon (or similar “service”)
- you dislike advertisements, but your feed is full of self-promotion
- people like Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler make you mad, but folks like Steve Jobs or Barack Obama are your heroes
- people like Steve Jobs or Barack Obama make you mad, but folks like Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler are your heroes
- you support equality, but think that a MD or teacher deserve higher salary than a sanitation worker or peasant
- you support equality, but think that a sanitation worker or peasant deserve higher salary than a librarian or philosopher
- you blame your shitty life on lack of resources and/or economic pressure
- you blame your shitty life on behavior of other people
- you are pro-life, but you want to own a gun, the only tool that’s designed solely to kill
- you claim to follow Jesus, but are itching for his return only to finally kill your enemies
- you have the means and mindset to invest in stock market
- you scream BLM even if you know that no one can safely pass through your black neighborhood, especially at night and if they are white
- you are gay, but cannot accept that if we were all gay, humanity would be done for in one generation
- inappropriate sexual behavior in presence of children upsets you, but you support drag queen story hours
- you believe that everyone who is not from your tribe is not human
- you think that animals have no dreams, emotions, or are not conscious
- you believe that you can kill, steal from, or abuse all whom you deem not human
- you believe that eco-bio-raw, smoothies, going vegan, yoga, or sari make you an evolved and/or spiritual person
- you believe that the more extravagant (spiritual) experience you have the more woke you are
- you think that Devil lives outside of you
- you think that God lives outside of you
- you want to be famous and/or rich
- you want to govern other people
- you think that anything goes
- you think this list is exhaustive
- you think that you have valid reasons why you fit some of the points above
- you think that if you don’t fit any of the points above it makes you a more valuable person
- you managed to go here and are pissed off :D
Well, as I said elsewhere, world is perfect, it’s people who are fucked up.