Humanity Networked

Sender Spike
2 min readFeb 4, 2025



How far do I reach? How far should I? What’s my responsibility? What’s none of my business and better left for others to deal with? Am I willing to die on this hill? How do I balance out the situation so no one gets hurt? Still, there is no way a human can account for every contingency. There are always some unknown dangers lurking underneath. After all, even

Three thousand eye cues
mean little confronted with
feels of ingrained thought.

But oftentimes the human is simply just plain stupid on top of it. Not because of the actual size of individual capacity, larger is not necessarily better in this case, but because that particular capacity is either unused (to the max) or is full of junk. As also psychiatry already acknowledged, you are not an idiot when your intelligence score is low.

And let me also remind you of the patently obvious — human society is a grid with fundamentally identical yet still individually configured unique nodes. In other words, society is you and me. And your neighbor. As well as mine one. The strangers we both meet on our respective ways to grocery. That is human society.

There are probably only very few humans who are completely disconnected from the social grid. But we can only guess their numbers because, for obvious reasons, no one can know — you cannot meet a disconnected fellow. Moreover, human is an animal that evolved to live in groups.

So, how do you connect?



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