Humanity Is Bonkers
Seriously, you can’t make this shit up
OK, so what follows are just some random observations of what’s going on around me right now.
Agent Orange, the one holding the most powerful office in the world, screams each day about fake news. And he’s fucking right — mass media has been for several decades obsessed with power, money, and fame to the extent that they didn’t hesitate to release forged Hitler’s Diaries, and similar bullshit, truth be damned.
Maybe that’s the reason why that toxic sprayed moron gained such a cult following in the first place. Because to support him at this time means either that one is mentally challenged and thus also utterly uneducated, or sees someone equally deranged in a high position and thinks that it’s actually a badge of honor to be a complete dipshit lowlife. When I think about it, DJ fits both bills perfectly, so it’s an approval in either case…did I hear click-clack??? Anyway.
One would at least hope that there is some sensible alternative to the madness mentioned above. Alas, when it comes to media, the alternative is even worse. Infowars anyone? And that’s just the most obvious example, however the one that without a shadow of any doubt helped to spread the deluded “woke citizen” myth the most. How can believing in the alternative bullshit instead of the mainstream horseshit make one a woke person is utterly beyond me. But whatever.
Sometimes I think that the only reliable investigative journalists are those who were already murdered, or are persecuted because of their work. It’s a pretty good litmus test that they were really onto something. Well, except for Assange, who’s selective approach (Panama papers) always smelled fishy, and when you think about it, his “leaks” never told anything we didn’t already know from other sources.
And the political alternatives are equally bad.
If anyone thinks that career politicians are any solution to anything, they are deranged the same way as the orange crowd. Perhaps that’s why I’ve recently read that Obama is working behind the scenes to end the current tyranny. Yeah. Sure. But to me it’s more like the blue equivalent of a Trumpist claiming that their Messiah is playing 5D chess while draining the swamp he is part of. And as they say — one picture says more than thousand words:
And, btw., this is true all over the world — a fucker sitting in EU parliament earns monthly ca. 7000 Euro after tax, when average salary where I’m from (EU too, mind you) is ca. 1100 Euro before tax and mandatory social and health insurance (i.e. subtract ca. 40%).
Apropos Messiah — few would argue that Catholic church is the most wealthy organization in the world, one that arguably also holds the greatest power having (still) few billions people at their command (a lot really militant and trigger happy). And this organization is currently led by the most controversial, or better said ambiguous, pope in history.
On one hand kudos to his (proclaimed) tolerance toward gays, rights of women, and such, but how should one string it together with his ostrich mentality when it comes to sexual abuse and financial corruption within the corporation he presides over, is a huge mystery to me.
And again, like a carbon copy, his detractors are equally out of their minds as was the case with media and politics.
Those from within his own LTD criticize him mainly for his apparent humanism. Obviously, they would like the Catholic church to return as quickly as possible back to those comforting Middle Ages when its strong hand ruthlessly ruled everything and all.
The second group of naysayers, those from all the different child companies (read Evangelicals), most of them under the banner of Q (I guess it’s what remains when you remove intelligence from IQ) accuse him of all possible and impossible nonsense (some of which, however, may be, quite paradoxically, true).
And just as a side note, both groups bash Bergoglio for being a communist (whether it’s true or not, is actually a non issue), which says how much all those critics believe in power of money — sad, sad irony, considering the tenets of the founder of their religion.
And then you have someone like me trying to tell all those folks that if they would realize that they are God personified, they would drop all that bullshit and we would all be finally singing kumbaya, and the heaven on Earth would become a palpable reality.
Well, as I said, the whole humanity is bonkers.