Good to hear that his influence is in decline. We live in 21th century, after all. General public can see through him pretty fast. What bothers me however is that all clero-fascists I know of see him and refer to him as their intellectual authority.
I also never heard a fascist to openly embrace and condone totalitarianism. So how he defines himself is IMO of little consequence. The way he defends hierarchies is, on the other hand, rather telling.
From what I gathered, modern fascists are moderately liberal on the horizontal levels of society (hence e.g. their obsession with multipolar world, but also utter intolerance toward e.g. political correctness or other “leftist perks”), but still advocate for a strict dominance hierarchy within the social units (state, city, etc.) themselves.
In any case, Peterson is a hater who wants to own other people. Metaphorically and perhaps also literally. And that translates to fascism in my book.