Genesis indubitably contains allusions to events that can be physically pinpointed. It's a retelling of myths, some of which can be traced backed 10s of 1000s of years back, from the perspective of a Jew living in Levant in 1-2 millennium BCE.
As for Kabbalah and Gnosticism -- their origins have certainly very little in common (I mean Kabbalah as per medieval Zohar and Gnosticism as per 1-2 century CE schools as that of e.g. Ptolemaeus or Valentinus). For starters, their histories don't line up. And most importantly, their content, goals, philosophies, and approaches are rather different.
While Gnosticism rejects material and physical as bad and strives to transcend it, Kabbalah teaches bringing the transcendent into physical. Sure, you can eventually reach the "goal" in either way, but that's as wide a difference as you can get. And just as a side note, both of those thought systems are flawed and incomplete. So, perhaps that's their common ground :D
Jokes aside, all monotheistic religions (including Hinduism and Buddhism, but sans Taoism) have a common cultural ancestor. And it's not Zoroastrianism. So, of course that they point at the same Moon.