Fuck Yourself (to Freedom)
Stop with the senseless ritual dances. For fuck’s sake, and I literally mean it because for a good fuck’s sake you cannot just masturbate with a projected archetype. I do not want to say that connoisseurs cannot rightly appreciate such scenarios, but, if that’s the situation, you don’t necessarily need another human being to participate. It’s enough to project your archetypal desire onto the screen of your imagination. After all, nothing beats the “real thing” anyway.
But even so, trying to mold another individual to your preferred shape never leads to the desired effect. Therefore, if you don’t stop playing stupid ritual games, you simply cannot register, let alone delight in, the simultaneous bidirectional flow of merging into a single ecstatic wave into which the apparent universes twist and erupt.
When I grew up, I was taught that women receive and men give. Where I’m from it was based on biological observation of human procreation. The same observation you will find in latter half of Genesis 3:16 where Lord(s) said to the woman, “Your desire will be toward your husband, but he will rule over you.” The same because, if, as a general rule, a woman receives, she will crave her provider. Her life depends on it. And thus, said giver has the power to call the shots.
We may argue about the details but, if we don’t divorce sexuality from procreation and consider heterosexual men and women as the biological standard of function that denotes women and men respectively, there will always be a more receiving woman than the most receiving man as there will also be a more giving man than the most giving woman. (I’m afraid but the rest of leanings and self-identifications need to make their own interpolations where they stand in relation to it.)
And, just to complete the picture, Lord(s) also said to the man something along the lines of, “Because you separate world as good an evil, you will live separated from I, expelled as it were, and all you will ever know is hard toil in order to barely provide and then death,” (see Genesis 3:17–19).
Which pretty much sums up the whole predicament — an individual has no clue who they are and all they see is pointless effort because all accomplishments end in death. Thus, all what matters is survival and everything becomes either good or evil in the seemingly hopeless face of it. And so, humans play games in order to increase their chances of survival as givers are driven to seek desirable receivers while receivers carefully evaluate which givers are profitable to depend on. It all goes hand in hand.
Therefore, it does not matter where you break the chain, the change will spread and impact all the other symptoms until you eventually know who you are and can see past death. Good and evil turn to simple self-evident causal events, thus the need to play any games and rituals also disappears. Within a single individual, the desire to give and to share oneself becomes as unburdened as the willingness to receive and accept others. Even though, depending on individual peculiarities, most probably in a very unique ratio.
There is nothing wrong with preferring pleasure over pain. There is nothing wrong in delighting in small details of life. After all, that’s what’s life is about — its small wholesome details. But where there is delight there is also pain. You cannot deny one without denying the other. And it does not matter whether they are, in their fundamental nature, a dream, an illusion, or whatever. They do exist. You know them. And yes they are perfect as they are. As is everything.
So, and particularly when we consider that there is no other to what there is, not taking measures against what causes pain when so desired (and possible without causing more pain elsewhere!) is a clear sign of ignorance. A human error if you will. Likewise, refusing the world and the delights it offers as a whole is equally foolish.
Sure, most use it as an excuse for their mindless hedonism. In fact, consumerist societies we’ve built revolve exclusively around literal, ever stronger, painkillers and pleasure-bringers. Yet, despite all of that, very few know pure joy of worldly pleasures and hence also feel genuine gratitude for these tremendous gifts. For an ignorant person they are not exactly satisfying, in some cases they may be deemed irrelevant, in extreme they are treated as repulsive. And, if nothing else, there’s always at least craving for more or envious irritation when not satiated.
Therefore, if you want absolute freedom, pay close attention when you literally fuck it. In all meanings of the phrase. After all, Brahman is truth, the only reality. The world is illusion. What “I am” truly points at is nothing but Brahman.
And Brahman is the world…