Frankly Umair, just stop it. You are completely correct in what you say here, but ... your articles are behind a paywall, you are pissed off that you cannot buy a podcast equipment for a few grands on a whim, and I bet that you still cannot resist the new iPhone when it is released. When people like you, who shout out from the rooftops about the shit we dug ourselves into (and I agree with those sentiments), people who shape the public opinion, do nothing, what do you think people who look up to you for validation of their worldview will do? Exactly the same -- they will lament, paralyzed, continuing in their tracks.
All your articles amount to "do as I say, not as I do". You don't walk your talk. Yet, you expect your readers, for many of whom you may be a role model perhaps (maybe it's a too strong of a word, but I'm sure you get the point), to exact a change in their behavior.
So, the question is -- and not only for you, but all critics of the status quo -- are you willing to own your responsibility and lead by example? Are you willing to live from hand to mouth (because that's the reality of where one will end up when following through in the midst of current socio-economic model), with no resources left to get that fancy new music equipment, or pendling between US and UK as you please? Are you willing to risk that people closest to you will despise you because suddenly you won't be able to provide the luxuries they are accustomed to? And so on and so forth. Sure, such actions may amount to nothing on the grand scale, but one can at least die with clear conscience. Whether in ten years or tomorrow.
Then again, I don't know you as a person, so it may very well be that you laugh all the way to the bank at how stupid the folks you appeal to are for supporting your livelihood, and you have no interest in actual change. Well, maybe I'm naive, yet, I still give you the benefit of the doubt. And I'm certain that mere talk, no matter how correct, won't change a fucking thing.